Case Studies

Case Studies Subtitle

We understand that being a carer can have a toll on the state of your mental health, there have even been a number of reports on the impact it can have. We work with carers to help deal with the following mental health conditions for a better day to day wellbeing;

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1 in 10 people are carers

3 in 5 of us will become a carer at some point in our lives

  • 54% of carers have suffered depression
  • 77% of carers felt more anxious
  • 83% Carers ore more stressed (Corers UK, 2015)
  • Risk of psychological distress increases progressively as the time spent caring increase (Hirst, 2005)
  • While 51% of non-carers had a long-standing health condition, this increased to 63% of all carers (GP Patient Survey, 2015)

This is why it is important to look after yourselves and improve your wellbeing in
order to care for your loved ones. we ore running on Induction workshop once
each month. Contact Harrow Carers for further details.

Want to know more ?
Call us on 0123 456 7890

Induction Session for new carers

An informative session for all new carers which will provide an overview about
Harrow Carer’s services and how to maintain wellbeing.

  • Why it is important for carers to maintain their wellbeing?
  • What is Wellbeing? Mental Wellbeing/Physical wellbeing.
  • Corers Health and wellbeing Service
  • Harrow Corers, what we do!
  • Local Resources.

Why not support us?

Every donation helps; whether it’s a one-off contribution like a legacy donation or a monthly direct debit. Your donations can help us create new services and provide better support to our carers. From complementary therapies to counselling and training for carers, your help can go a long way.


Depression is more than simply feeling unhappy or fed up for a few days. Most people go through periods of feeling down, but when you”re depressed you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, rather than just a few days.

Some people think depression is trivial and not a genuine health condition. They’re wrong – it is a real illness with real symptoms. Depression isn’t a sign of weakness or something you can “snap out of” by “pulling yourself together”.

We recommend the follow ing courses on our events for help with depression:

  • Mindfulness
  • Positive Psychology
  • Coping With Change
  • understanding CBT
  • Relaxation and Sleep Management


Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear that can be mild or severe.

Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life – for example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam, or having a medical test or job interview. During times like these, feeling anxious can be perfectly normal.

However, some people find it hard to control their worries. Their feelings of anxiety ore more constant and can often affect their daily lives.:

Anxiety is the main symptom of several conditions, including:

  • Panic Disorder
  • Phobias – such as Agorap hobia or Claustrophobia
  • Post-trauma tic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)

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Trauma can impact a person’s life years after the initial issue.

Someone with PTSD, which is a common form of traumatic disorder occurring in l in 3 people who suffer severe trauma, would often be reminded or relive the traumatic events through their daily activity
which can lead to feelings of isolation, guilt, emotional numbness, hyperarousal, physical aches or anxiety Trauma can also cause sleeplessness and attention deficit disorder. Some people may also develop complex PTSD in severing situations which you can read more about via the NHS here.

we recommend the follow ing courses on our events page for help with Trauma :

  • Understanding CBT
  • Relaxation and Sleep manageme nt
  • Living with Change (CNWL)


Psychosis is a severe mental health issue that can cause people to hallucinate mentally and/or physically or have grandiose delusions.

Psychosis can be developed from conditions of schizophrenia or colorism with potential triggers being the abuse of drugs and/or alcohol, side effects of prescribed medication, a physical condition and/or a traumatic experience

We recommend the follow ing courses on our events page for help with Psychosis:

  • Managing Psychosis Together (CNWL)

Your Questions

What if I can't afford to sign up for membership but need your services?

We know that in some cases the membership fee can be a tough thing to pay for, however, we can support you in getting a carers assessment in order to afford the services you need from us.

Do I need a membership to use any of your services you provide?

Membership is only required for specific services we provide, see the membership page *Link membership page* for more details on what is included and what is not. You can still make use of our open services such as SWiSH and Working for Carers.

Can I have a taster of the membership services?

Yes! We allow carers to have a trial period of our membership services before we require them to fully sign up and become paying members. We find it is always best to know what you’re spending your money on.

Are you run by the council?

Though the name suggests, we are not run by the council and operate independently as a charity within Harrow. We operate through the funding generated by generous donations and membership payments.

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